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7 Ways to Heal

July 18, 2024
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Recovering from abuse is just a physical recovery. It’s a multifaceted journey that involves healing all aspect of oneself. Addressing and healing each area is crucial to improving your well-being and self-love. Here are the 6 different areas you need to heal:

1. Emotional Healing

All emotions, good and bad need to be acknowledged and processed. Through experiencing abuse, emotions can be felt at intense levels often outside of control. This type of healing gives yourself permission to feel these emotions without judgment and gain greater grasp on them. We recommend journaling, meditation, support groups and therapy practices to help heal this area of yourself. 

2. Psychological Healing

Abuse can cause profound psychological wounds, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Healing these wounds may involve therapy practices and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). All of this will improve your self-image, thought patterns, and mental willpower.

3. Physical Healing

Any physical injuries or long-term health problems require medical care and attention. To improve this area of your life, adopt a healthy lifestyle, medical practices, self-care routines. When you improve your physical health, all other areas of your life will improve alongside it.

4. Spiritual Healing

To heal your spirit is to reconnect with your inner sense of purpose and self. Whether it’s spiritual practices or religious communities, find practices that nurture your spiritual wellbeing. Doing this will add great meaning, purpose, and peace within. 

5. Relational Healing

Abuse often damages relationships and the trust that holds them together. This often leads to isolation and social anxiety. Sparking new connections and improving relationships involve setting healthy boundaries, forming supporting relationships, and being reintroduced to more public social settings. Therapy and support groups help improve in these areas greatly. 

6. Cognitive Healing

This involved the beliefs and perceptions that may have developed from abuse that you’ve experienced. This could often lead to false beliefs, easily vulnerable morals, tragic emotional and emotional effects. To restructure your cognitive self, therapy, affirmations, and journaling practices are recommended. 

7. Self-Identity and Self-Concept

Your self-worth and identity can be profoundly impacted from abuse. This involves rediscovering and reinstating love for your self. Practice compassion, discovery through new activities, and open thoughts to who you want to become. This will help you grow stronger and toward a direction of your best self. 

Healing from abuse is a process that requires healing every aspect of yourself. It’s not just the wounds you see and they all deserve the attention they deserve. Use the information we’ve provided to take the necessary steps towards a better you and become more conscious of all wounds you may exhibit. You deserve to truly and completely heal and it’s only getter better from here. Let’s support one another, heal every aspect of ourselves, and embody the greatest version of ourselves.

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